What Is White Sage Incense And What Is It Used For?

White Sage incense is made from the leaves of the plant of the same name.

White Sage plants thrive best in high desert environments, such as Mountain West and  California- hence it is also known as Californian White Sage.

There are different ways to burn white sage. Incense sticks remain the most popular for their convenience, however you can also use sage smudge sticks or incense cones.

White sage incense
White sage Salvia Apiana branch

What does White Sage Smell Like?

The smell of burning white sage is often described as “woody” and “earthy”. It is a strong smell, but not overwhelming. In some blends, there can also be a slight citrus smell.  If you like these aromas, then this type of incense will be perfect for you. It’s also a great way to keep your home smelling fresh.

Create a sacred space

If you use white sage incense regularly, you’ll notice how much better you feel when you enter a room. You can make your own sacred space by burning white sage incense sticks in an incense burner, candle holder or other container.

White sage in the form of smudge sticks or incense are used in many different traditions for cleansing, purification, and protection. They’re also known as “sacred smoke” because they’re often burned during religious ceremonies.

A Native American tradition, “Smudging” is a cleansing ceremony that has been practiced for centuries for cleansing, purification, and protection. The burning of white sage in this ceremony helps to clear the energy from the space, as well as bring good luck and happiness to those who are present.

The smoke from the burning sage is said to cleanse a person and their aura and space clear negative energy and unwanted spirits. If you are looking to protect yourself spiritually, or simply to bring a brighter energy to your space, this is a great incense to use.

Reduce depression and anxiety

White sage can be used to reduce depression and anxiety. It has been found that when burned, the aroma of white sage can have a calming effect on people with mental health disorders such as depression. White Sage Incense can also be burnt with other incense aromas to heighten the benefits.

Healing properties

White sage incense has a number of healing properties that can be beneficial for the mind, body, and spirit. It is a natural way to cleanse your energy and environment, and it can help to reduce stress and promote relaxation. Additionally, white sage incense may also have anti-inflammatory and antifungal properties.

Improve sleep quality

You may not realize it, but incense can be used to improve your sleep quality. This incense is known for its ability to relax the mind and body, making it a perfect choice before bedtime. It contains compounds that have sedative effects and can help you fall asleep faster and stay asleep longer. In addition, this type of incense has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties that may also promote better sleep.

Side Effects And Safety Precautions of burning White Sage Incense

When burned, white sage is known to have various benefits such as cleansing the aura, repelling negative energy, and promoting spiritual growth. However, it’s important to be aware of the possible side effects before using this type of incense. Keep in mind that not everyone will experience these side effects, but it is important to be aware of them nonetheless.

Some people may experience headaches, nausea, or dizziness from burning white sage incense. If you have any sensitivities to smoke, you should avoid using this type of incense. Pregnant women and those with heart conditions should also consult a doctor before using white sage incense.

When to use White Sage Incense Sticks:

Invoke White Sage Incense Sticks
Invoke White Sage Incense Sticks
  • When you are feeling out of balance.
  • When there is a bad smell in the house.
  • If you are struggling to focus ie during study.
  • When someone has been sick and they have left their energy behind.
  • Before doing any type of spiritual work or meditation to clear your space for better focus and peace of mind.
  • To cleanse an area that has been impacted by negativity, such as a place where violence occurred or after having difficult conversations with others.
  • After visiting a funeral home or hospital to help release negative emotions and thoughts from the environment around you into the white sage smoke (which will be burned up during this process).
  • Before you move into a new home.

Our personal favourites are Invoke White Sage and also Nitiraj Platinum White Sage  and you can search for all our White Sage Incenses here.  You can also find out more about white sage and its origins here

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