The Scent Of Memories

The scent of memories; how our sense of smell is linked to our brainSense of Small

Have you ever experienced a moment in time when you smell something familiar; that you recognise as a fragrance that you have smelt before. You just know that when it hits your nose, it will be reminding you of places, people and particular moments in time.


Why is this? What makes this happen? Perhaps it is because there is some link between your brain and your sense of smell? Let’s take a closer look at this concept.

It’s all about the journey

One of the main reasons that smell is linked to your feelings and emotions is its journey within your brain. The other senses will travel through the thalamus, which is the communication hub of the brain; however, your sense of smell has a direct link to your emotional centre.

This means that when we experience something and smell a particular aroma simultaneously, we link them together in our brains. This link will cause our brains to feel a certain way when we smell a familiar scent.

An example of this is when you get a waft of warm, freshly baked cookies or cake. If you had a parent or family member who would often whip up a storm for you in the kitchen, then there is a good chance that smelling this will leave you feeling warm, loved and nurtured.


What if I lose my sense of smell?

It is thought that when you lose your sense of smell, you are also at risk of losing some of those precious memories that you can think of. Not only this, but it is also believed that a loss of smell can actually be an early sign of Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease. Both of which are neurological disorders that can have an impact on our ability to remember things.

It is also thought that lack of sense of smell can contribute to mental health issues, such as depression. This is mainly because you will find it harder to bring back old happy memories and encourage your body to release those all-important feel-good hormones, such as dopamine.

How to use smell in your everyday life

Now you know that there is a link between what we smell and what we think about, you may want to learn more about how you can then use a smell to help you think.

Incense is a fantastic way to do this. Not only are incense sticks incredibly easy to use, but they also come in so many different aromas that you will find the type of fragrance that you are looking for.

As you can see, the idea that a smell can trigger a memory or a feeling in you might not seem that far-fetched. It can be your brain reminding you of a time gone by and giving you the chance to drift back and remember just how amazing you felt at that particular moment in time or creating the environment to allow you to gain clarity and focus or relax and unwind.

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